A printproof is a single copy of the thesis you ordered. It is a bound version of both cover and interior.
Where can I find the Gildeprint downloads?
Working on the layout yourself? We made an information booklet with all the information you need. On this page you can find other downloads as well.
What do I need for the layout of my thesis?
To help you with the preparation of your thesis, we developed an information booklet and prepared useful downloads for you.
Which binding method can I use for my thesis?
At Gildeprint you can choose from the following three binding methods: Pur-gluing, Sewn bending and Milled glued/ perfectbind. Pur-gluing is the most common binding method that we use.
What is the difference between digital and offset printing?
With digital printing we send your files directly to our professional digital printers. With offset printing we print your files on traditional printing presses.
Do you also print on demand?
Off course! We understand that you do not want to have a large stock of printed matter. And besides, you know that thanks to our fast delivery you will certainly never be left behind.
Can I also go to Gildeprint for personalized printing?
Sometimes you need printed matter with a more personal touch. Then it is nice that you can adapt your letters, cards, calendars or brochures to the recipient. That is why you can also contact us for all your personalized printed matter.
Is there a minimum or a maximum quantity for other printed matter?
At Gildeprint we do not use a minimum or maximum number to order.
It is however more advantageous to order a higher edition.
How can I ensure that my thesis receives an ISBN?
If you want to register your thesis, you need an ISBN. ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number and is used worldwide to share data from book-related publications.