Other printed matter

Next to printing theses, Gildeprint is specialized in other printed matter. Think of lesson materials, magazines or an almanac for your student association.

Because of years of experience we can meet your expectations and respond to your wished and needs. We love to think along with you, as a sparring partner or as your personal specialist.

Get inspired

Below, we proudly present you examples of other printed matter.

conceptueel - Journal of study association conceptNatural Resource - Mijnbouwkundige vereenigingpraktijkboek ckv films en seriesIn het Oneindelicke - W.S.V. Simon Stevinalmanak de heeren van burbpraktijkboek ckvMagazine Kick In 2018Pixels make the pictureMagazine Maccazinepraktijkboek ckv onderzoeklustrumbundel vereniging van gereformeerde studenten in twenteAlmanak Marie CurieRetro Almanak - ABO onderwijscommissieBijbelstudieboek voor kidsT-Licht magazinecomputer essentials- basisbegrippen van de ICTBlink business magazinestodt - toekomsttechniek

Lesson material printing

For the printing of lesson material it is important to think about how it will be used in practice: does it need to be blown up?  How long will it be used for? Does it need to be written on?  Does the content change quickly?  Do you want to personalise it?  Does it need to be sent to the user? Does the lesson material consist of several parts and does a package need to be made?

We will help you find the answers to all of these questions and make the right choices regarding form and finish.  We offer solutions:  from lesson material in book form to a printed ring binder with all the lesson material stored neatly.

At Gildeprint we take care of the complete printing and packaging in house.  This enable us to deliver quickly and simplify the process for our clients.

Feel free to contact us for a free demo.

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Magazine printing

The print of your magazine has a huge influence on the appearance.  By making the right choices – paper, typography, format, binding and finish- you can greatly increase the attractiveness and readability and make the printing part of the design and concept.  At Gildeprint we will happily think alongside you and show you the possibilities that will best suit your magazine and budget.

Would you like to know more?  Leave us your contact details and we will contact you as quickly as possible.

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Almanac printing

Making an almanac is a complicated task! Therefore it is very important that it is printed with an end result that corresponds with expectations.  At Gildeprint we are specialists in making book form print work.  We would therefore like to help you with making an almanac that you are proud of.

If you choose Gildeprint to take care of your design then we will, as soon as you have agreed with the offer, start working with your submitted ideas and materials.  We will make a draft of your almanac and send you a PDF file and a printed version.  We ask that you give us feedback within 5 working days. Once agreed we will begin with the printing process.  Once your almanac is printed and bound we will send it to you.

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Peter en Machiel

Printing books

Next to dissertations, almanacs, magazines and teaching materials we also print books. We do this for both the private and business markets. We print in large and small quantities, with the same principle: delivering excellent quality.

When printing a book, you have to make a number of choices. The binding method, the type of paper and a hard or softcover book. We are happy to give you advice!


Do you also print on demand?

Off course! We understand that you do not want to have a large stock of printed matter. And besides, you know that thanks to our fast delivery you will certainly never be left behind.

Request a quotation

Requesting a quotation is easy and of course without obligation.
When you fill out the form below we will contact you within two working days.

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Free flipbook!

Agree on your quotation in February or March and receive a free flipbook (worth € 99)

A flipbook is a digital version of your dissertation. Advantages of a flipbook are:

Request a quote now